Monday, February 26, 2007

No Sophie tonight...shameless plugs for The Rock instead

Yesterday we had our annual 'Rock The Park' concert in Auckland. I'm always apprehensive leading into the concert, because we don’t have a rain day set aside, so if it pisses down, it becomes an incredibly expensive exercise to run. Thankfully, Auckland turned on beautiful weather and we had around 13,000 people turn up on the day. A massive success.

Ingrid is just getting over her nasty bug, so didn't feel up to coming along with Sophie, but plenty more time yet to introduce the little one into some good old fashioned rock'n'roll.
The crowd starting to fill up at Rock The Park
Part of the 13,000 strong crowd

Rog and I enjoying a couple of quiets backstage

Evermore getting up close with the crowd

Proper Sophie stories from now on...I promise.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Saturday (In Photo's)

Me playing with an invisible ice-cream...mummy and daddy said I'm too young to eat a real one

Daddy and me by the seaside...mummy is still a bit sick and didn't want to get too close to me

Snapped!...chatting up a young fullar by the slide

Me having a go at eating bark - not as tasty as the invisible ice-cream I had earlier.

Playing peek-a-boo with daddy...I like that game lots
Daddy wouldn't let me go on the slide by myslef. Shame, and I bet that boy is watching somewhere too!

Then we ran into the twins from mummy and daddy's baby group.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Creepy crawlies and sick mummy's

I woke this morning and noticed Ingrid wasn't in bed, oh well Sophie obviously woke really early, I thought, it was about 6:15am., and just as I was getting up to jump in the shower, a very ill looking Ingrid came into the room and said she wasn't feeling the best. The poor thing had spent the night throwing up and ended up sleeping downstairs in the spare room!...its great being a deep sleeper sometimes, I didn't hear a thing all night even when she even jumped in the shower at one stage to cool off. at 3 in the morning!

Ingrid obviously wasn't in any state to care for Sophie today so I had two days home in a row with her. I had shit loads of work on today so I tried to multi-task and look after Sophie and do some work on the computer while Ingrid slept - no chance of that with Sophie completely full of beans - so I packed her up and took her into work thinking that she could crawl around in my office while I worked...mmm, that lasted about 40, not a lot of work achieved today, but I did get to spend lots of time with Sophie which beats work any day.

Ingrid is looking a little better tonight, but still feeling dodgy, it's obviously a very nasty bug that's going around, I caught it Sunday night and a couple of people I work with, have had it recently too, Hope Ingrid come s right soon and that poor little Sophie doesn't manage to pick it up either.

The nasty looking beetle/alien in the photo above, was there greeting me when I walked into the lounge this morning, Ingrid had opened up one of the ground windows to 'hurl' overnight, and in her spewy daze, had left it open - which is a nice invitation for all the creepy crawlies outside nestling in the bush. - This bad boy was over 15 cm long!
ps. There's a cute liitle video of Sophie playing on the swing on her video page to the left.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


The past few weeks have been pretty busy with various work functions, (and not to mention the odd cricket game thrown in!) so I thought it was only fair that Ingrid gets an afternoon off to do some girly stuff.

I left work at 11am this morning to meet the girls at the docs, Sophie was due her final vaccination jab. I was expecting the worse, but the injection was quick and Sophie only cried for a couple of minutes before her cheeky little grin came right back. We grabbed a quick bite together afterwards then Ingrid buggered off.
Look how high daddy swings me mummy...this rocks!

The standard cute shot on the swing for the camera

We ran out of food, so I decided to feed her some flowers...she dind't mind them.

Trying to give the thumbs up for a top afternoon

The two of us had heaps of fun at home too, we played in the sandpit for a bit, drew some pictures on her blackboard and after her mid afternoon nap, we headed off to the park down the road. As you can see in the photo’s, Sophie absolutely LOVES playing on the swings, I reckon she could stay on their all day long if she had the chance. I also got to push her really high on the swing without her mummy there to tell daddy off too.

We went for a bit of a walk afterwards and read a couple of books when we got home, then she had her dinner, bath, bottle and play-time and finally off to bed. 10/10 afternoon with Sophie and her old man.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brad and Sophie suck

We are trying to get Sophie to drink more water so she can start cutting down on the amount of milk she drinks, but getting her to drink it is harder said than done! So we came up with this way of getting the dreaded water down and that is to make her feel like a grown up and drinking it through a straw with her daddy. It worked a treat as she loves to feel like a big grown up girl -although when she has had enough she lets us know by spitting it back out - so now we just have to cut that out...

Sophie and I went to plunket yesterday for her 9-10 month check up and everything is perfect according to the nurse. Weight, height and head measurement as well as developmental things are all normal, so thats always a good outcome. We have her fourth jabs to be done this week, something we never enjoy doing, but its good for her in the long run to make sure she doesn't get the dreaded meningitis, so we can put up with a few howls when she gets the jabs compared to what might happen if she got meningitis.

Poor Brad has been pretty crook the last few days after eating a dodgy chicken sandwich at the cricket on Sunday but is slowly coming right, but still not quite himself although I am sure he will back in full form in the next few days. I am off to my work tomorrow to organise my hours as I will only be returning part time to begin with, so although I am looking forward to getting my brain ticking over again, I know that I will miss Sophie BIG TIME when she goes into daycare.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sophie brushes her teeth

Her reaction from getting her teeth brushed for the very first time...isn't she sweet aye?
Sophie brushed her teeth for the very first time tonight. As you can see by the photo she thought it was very cool. Her two little bottom teeth got a good clean.

She hasn’t fallen over for a few days (touch wood) her balance is getting better by the day, she’s starting to give out high fives and giggling a lot more too. Sophie is at a pretty cool age at the moment, she's practically doing something new every day now.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Yay my new sandpit!...and a bottle of wine.

"Mummy and daddy bought my sandpit about a month ago, but they've only just got round to filling it up with sand today! They said they didn't wanted my hair going any more ginga so they put a sun-shade around it - look's cool aye!"

"Before I played in the sandpit, I snuck into the pantry and stole a bottle of mummys' wine...I knew she wouldn't miss it much 'caus there was sooo much of the stuff in there! I tried to put on my best drunken face for the photo...It was pretty easy too, I just had to remember what daddy looks like when he gets home late..."

" Now a happy face cause I'm gonna play in my brand new sandpit shortly!...actually it's not new at all, its been sitting outside with no bloody sand in it for the last month hasn't it mummy and daddy!"

"Daddy said the sun-shade made the photo's go all stink so he took it off...I bloody not go MORE ginga in the sun!"

"This sand-pit thing is pretty wicked - and to think it's only taken a month to fill it...have I mentioned that already?"

"Daddy asked me what I thought of my new sandpit...I thought this shot says it all."


Friday, February 9, 2007

Another Video Added

No Update tonight, instead, a new video of Sophie standing up...and falling down again.
Go to right hand side of page under "Sophie Video's NEW"

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Ouch!...bumps and brusies....

Look what happens when I try to puill myself up and stand all the time...check out my bump and brusie on my head above my right eye....

I'm banging my head lots now because I'm doing more and more of this type of thing....I even managed to get all the way up to the second stair before I rolled backwards (yet again) and banged my head on the otherside this time! being a kid sometimes.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Back from Melbourne

A little pressie for Sophie. We don't want to take her out in public wearing it though, incase people think she's actually an Australian!
Man it was hot in Melbourne. Yesterday it got up to a whopping 38 degrees.
The extreme heat aside, Melbourne rocked. We ran into quite a few kiwi’s who went along watch the cricket too, pity we lost, but great atmosphere and the MCG, a truly incredible ground to watch sport at.

They tried to ban the Mexican wave at the ground, $1500 fine and automatic eviction from the you think people took any notice?

Ricky Ponting. He's so bloody good it's hard to hate him...even though he practically won the match for Aussie

Glad to see my two girls today though. Sophie gave me lots of cuddles and smiles all day long too. We had to lower her cot today for her own safety, as she’s now pulling herself up and standing every chance she gets, I popped in to get her out of bed this arvo and it looked like she was trying to escape out of the bloody thing! She’s growing up pretty quickly this kid.


Friday, February 2, 2007

Quick Post

Off to Melbourne tomorrow to see the cricket, Can't imagine Ingrid will update for a few days - so another post early next week!

ps. Another video of Sophie in "Sophie's Video's Links" to the right.
