Friday, September 24, 2010

Soph bringing in the rubbish for the last time at the old place

We've finally moved into the new house! I thought it would be a lot easier this time, given half our stuff was still packed in boxes from our last move, but it's still a massive undertaking (yes even after moving house 5 times in the past 10 years!).  It would have been harder still, if mum hadn't come up and treated the kids to a weekend of fun and games while the two of us packed and started taking things over to the new house.

Monday the movers came...or should I say cowboys came...they turned up with a truck far to small to carry our furniture, and then spent half a day trying to work out how it would all fit into the truck...which it didn't... so 4 hours and two trips later...we were in.  We manged to assemble the kids beds along with our own, set up the tv  - then it was time to grab the kids from daycare!  I had to go back to work Tuesday and Ingrid was working the rest of the week - so the place still looks a bit of a site - (especially the basement that resembles something closer to downtown Baghdad now!

The kids really seem to dig the place now though - there's a playground/park no-less than 4 houses down the road that they absolutely love! - The only scary thing is the pool - I took the cover off today to clean and vacuum it, but I but spent more time trying to stop Max from leaping in...I doubt there will be much lazing around the pool this summertime!y

I'm taking Mon/Tue off this week to get a few things done around the place while the kids are at daycare  - hopefully might even sneak in a lazy swim!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Max loves the Ladies

We've been told that Max is a bit of a hit with the I asked him what his secret was.

"Well daddy - you start by puckering up your lips and looking all sweet and innocent"
."..then you do the old - 'I'm gonna pretend to bite your head off trick...'
"Then, you shut your eyes and plant a big one right on the lips"
"then you reveal in your awesomeness..."
Soph loving the camera
"I'm not cheeky at all..."
Soph's great camera skills..not bad
Chillin' outside on a lazy Sunday afternoon (one of my favourite photo's)
Daddy has taught her well