Saturday, August 21, 2010

The New House!

After looking for more than a year - we finally found our new home!
The place came on the market last Saturday and we were the proud owners the following day...(it paid to wait as we got a great deal on the house).  You could tell it was well priced and very popular considering more than thirty people went along to the first open home on an absolute shitter of a day.
It's as solid as buggery (we checked out buliders report and lim in deatil)  - it's a 3 Bedroom (with additional room in basement) on a quite cul-da-sac street with a little park at the end of the road, perfect for kids, good zoning and not sure if you noticed...but it comes fully equipped with a very stylish heated pool too...
We move in Sept 17 - you ripper.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Overdue Update

Long time again between posts sorry.  Safe to say things aren't slowing down at all here...I'm just about to go into another ratings round at work so things are mad there, we're still looking for a house to buy, Ingrid is working and studying now and the kids growing up way too quickly!
We did however, manage to steal a breather a couple of weeks ago...I dropped the kids off at Nana's for 4 nights while Ingrid and I had some long over-due, and much enjoyed time to ourselves over the weekend.  Simple things like sleeping in then reading the paper in bed felt like a luxury holiday.  We spent an afternoon at Leigh beach which was very cool, went out for dinner and lunch a couple of times, took in a movie and even went to the casino for the first time in years (and waked out with more money than when we stated - score!)
It was a nice way to re-charge the batteries and we only felt a little bit selfish as the kids absolutely love it at Nana's (so much so that Sophie woke up in tears the day she got back home saying she wanted to go back to Nana's house!)
Leigh Beach - Stunning place
Kid less for the weekend
Leigh beach - a Marine reserve, beautiful water and fish the size of basketballs swimming around the rocks!
Sophie at the park having a blast!
On the way to Nana's place - driving at night - Sophie's still fascinated with the Sky Tower!
Groovy waterfall (and wife) at the Beach
Me and me ol' mate Colin...not a bad rugby player apparently...
Pirate Day at Kids Klub
Max playing it cool in front of the ladies...
 Fun indoors on a wet and wild weekend
7pm and time to hit the road to Nana's - a couple of excited kids  - they both crashed out 20 minutes into the 4 hour trip - not bad!
Grantz was great too - helping out with the kids over the weekend
"Mmmm yum!"
Sophie the little princess
Eating and playing at Nana's
Fun-times on Rochelle and Darren's farm
Soph, aunty Rochelle...and Friday's dinner.
Good times
Thanks Nana!