Sunday, June 19, 2011

A busy Sunday

Weekend's have become a little bit like Groundhog Day recently with the winter weather - so we thought bugger it, we'll head out for the day and brave the elements.  We threw the kids in the car and went out on a Sunday family adventure! We started the morning off with fluffie's and scones in Ponsonby, then headed over to the Auckland Museum.  The weather was torrential and we got absolutely soaked going in and out of the Museum (there were no parks near the entrance and our very small umbrella got ripped to shreds in the howling winds!) - but the kids thought it was hilarious running in the rain and they both really enjoyed  the Museum too - it's an awesome place for families and to top it's free! 

We then braved the weather some more and drove south to Sylvia Park for lunch.  After a quick bite we jumped back in the car and  headed over to Aunty Nicky's place! - the kids haven't seen her for a while and they were super excited when we got there.

Normally Max has an afternoon sleep for a couple of hours, but today we thought if he was tired he would crash out in the car travelling between locations - but the little trooper managed to stay awake all day so we topped off the Sunday outing with a sneaky trip on the way home to the local pub for hot chips and beer.  All and all a pretty sweet day and the kids loved it too!

(the weather was so bad I couldn't take a photo from the front...I had to steal this off the Museum website!)
One of Max's favourite animals...a 'Wellafant!'
They even have a food section in there too...Sophie of course ran straight towards the lollie display..and then pretended to eat them all up! 
We forgot the push-chair - So I ended up carrying Max most of the time, otherwise we would have lost him - he was off running everywhere! 
The very scary big bad wolf!
This display was full of around 200 big fat LIVE cockroaches - Soph and Max were transfixed on it for ages 
The nature section is great - you can pull out different draws and look at different insects/birds/butterflies 
the spider draw was their favourite 
Even Polar beers too! 
Max was a bit dubious about this one 
Having fun! 

Now that's a big Penguin! 
Now lets go to Aunty Nicky's place!
Sweet as!
Lunch at Sylvia Park - Subway! 
Mummy and Sophie on one side... 
Daddy and Max on the other... 
 Topping off a great day with a cold beer at the pub! (the kids only had a couple each though..)

ps. Another post below too if you missed it

Kids at School

new video here!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ice-Cream at McDee's!

Ingrid worked late Friday night, so I took the kids to McDee's for dinner. They thought all their Christmas's had come at here