Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lots on

Kids waiting outside for the others to arrive before going into the Zoo
Yeah OK - It's been a while I know, but things have been crazy lately, so here's a quick highlight package of what's been going on:

  • We had our 6th year wedding anniversary
  • Had a bunch of Rock stars filming a music video in our backyard
  • Ingrid got sick and has been off work for almost 2 weeks
  • Sophie's had three school inductions and is now only two weeks away from going school!
  • Max is well and truly hit the terrible two's
  • I've been mad busy at work and need a root canal
  • We sold and bought a car all in the same day

Amongst the chaos, I did manage to take a sneaky day of work a couple of weeks back and help out with taking the kids to the Zoo for the day, and man it must have been one of the hottest days we've had all summer! There were around 12 kids from Kids Klub along with 4-5 parents for the day - Soph and Max had a blast (after her traumatic experience that is...I lost lost her, but thank god for bright yellow vests and kind random strangers helping her find us all again!) After the Zoo the parents dropped the kids back at daycare for a couple of hours and we all hit the pub for a debrief...or four.

We finally ditched our Holden and traded it in's been a complete pig lately and costing us a fortune in gas and getting the bloody thing fixed so got Serena from Kids Klub to come over for the afternoon and  Ingrid and I went South-side and bought a Honda Accord.

We've also been to a ridiculous amount of birthday parties lately and Sophie has had a stack of play dates and is even going to the movies tomorrow for the first time ever with Leo and his parents from next door...while we're left home dealing with Lucifer's Spawn...

"look he just did a poop!"
"That's not a poop...I'll show you a poop!"
Sharing their lunch...ain't that sweet
She preferred this one to the one underneath!
Every single kid in awe watching an Elephant out in the open right in front of us!
Max wanted to stay and watch the Elephant (I think that's when I lost Soph)
Trying to make her nose grow into a trunk...
A hot day at the a nice cold ice block for everyone
Someones birthday was pissing down so they stayed inside and watched movies
Max and his sweetheart Lilly-Rose
"Yeah so what?"
Pretending he's sweet...
Lights camera action at the Kings house!.  4 hours of filming for two scenes in a music video!
Looked like UFOs had landed in our back-yard
Out for the night on our wedding anniversary
The new car!

Sunday, April 3, 2011