Monday, December 21, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Reports and X-Rays

Sophie and Max finished Kids Klub yesterday. Even thought it's going to be great having the kids home for three weeks - the two of them will certainly miss all their friends and teachers. The care-givers do a great job there for sure, as Soph and Max both came home with port folio's of all their work from throughout the year and report cards too!
(If you have trouble reading - click on each photo to enlarge)

Ingrid's report card for the year: FAIL.
Brad's report card for the year: FAIL

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The year that is 2009

Chillin' in the back yard on a summers day
Well a post is long overdue, but there are very good reasons for it. The main one being that Brad and I would really like to forget that 2009 even exists! The only good thing that came out of this year is Max and he really has been an absolute delight and a baby that I would wish on everyone lucky enough to have children. The rest of the year however was cruising along – not great, but not bad either until Brad went out for a night to the fight of the century without the wife and kids and came home with a broken arm. Surgery and a few days in hospital followed along with some slow healing. After laughing at him for three weeks and being a meanie about the fact that he can’t be trusted to go out for a night without me I decide to attend another boxing match with him to make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble when low and behold I misplace my footing getting out of the car into the gutter and fall very awkwardly. What ensues is a loud crack and a munted ankle and foot that looks far from normal. In fact no normal foot should be facing the way mine was…so off to the emergency department at the hospital where I am informed after x-rays that I have dislocated my ankle and broken it in three places! WTF, talk about karma.
I ended up staying at the hospital for just over a week waiting for the swelling to go down before they could operate. Finally they operate on 6th November and a couple of days later they kick me out. It was awesome to go home, but reality sets in that I can’t do anything. I can’t put my foot down on the floor and with crutches I can’t carry or lift anything including my kids. So ACC sends them off to daycare for the next six weeks. So here I am, stuck at home on the couch for most of the day with the kids gone and Brad at work and I can’t even carry a cup of tea! Now four weeks have passed and although I am still on crutches I can put a bit of weight on my broken foot and it’s getting a bit stronger every day. Brad has been an absolute trooper and has had to become the full time worker, house dad and cleaner, while his leper of a wife watches on and he has done all this with a broken arm. We really are not great role models for our kids are we! And all Max can do everything he sees me hobbling along on the crutches? He laughs like it is the funniest thing in the world! (Ingrid got bored and hasn't been back to update the story! - so I've jumped in)
Anyhow - Max is crawling and into everything now - Sophie 99% of the time is a great big sister to Max and Ingrid is moving around a loot better now - she can at least drive a car and managed to get Max up and down the stairs yesterday - that's been the hardest part up till now - Ingrid couldn't put any weight on her foot so getting the kids out of bed and down the stairs has been impossible - but now there is light at the end of tunnel. My arm is getting better, but I still can't bend it very well - going to Physio once a week to get the strength and movement back in - worst part is shaking bloody hands! - In my job I do a lot of that and it nearly cripples me every time! - arhhh!
On the go the little bugger!
Max's first real meal - he's a complete hoover! - especially loves his meat - just like his old man!
Sophie was a trooper when Ingrid was in hospital - she stepped up and almost ran the house - "here you go daddy, I baked a cake for you"
Role models.
Ouch...that's gotta hurt!...moments before 4 doctors pulled and twisted Ingrid's leg back into shape
"Oh you have got to be joking...."
Also check out Max crawling here in a video!
And Max laughing opening up a draw - video here