Friday, February 23, 2007

Creepy crawlies and sick mummy's

I woke this morning and noticed Ingrid wasn't in bed, oh well Sophie obviously woke really early, I thought, it was about 6:15am., and just as I was getting up to jump in the shower, a very ill looking Ingrid came into the room and said she wasn't feeling the best. The poor thing had spent the night throwing up and ended up sleeping downstairs in the spare room!...its great being a deep sleeper sometimes, I didn't hear a thing all night even when she even jumped in the shower at one stage to cool off. at 3 in the morning!

Ingrid obviously wasn't in any state to care for Sophie today so I had two days home in a row with her. I had shit loads of work on today so I tried to multi-task and look after Sophie and do some work on the computer while Ingrid slept - no chance of that with Sophie completely full of beans - so I packed her up and took her into work thinking that she could crawl around in my office while I worked...mmm, that lasted about 40, not a lot of work achieved today, but I did get to spend lots of time with Sophie which beats work any day.

Ingrid is looking a little better tonight, but still feeling dodgy, it's obviously a very nasty bug that's going around, I caught it Sunday night and a couple of people I work with, have had it recently too, Hope Ingrid come s right soon and that poor little Sophie doesn't manage to pick it up either.

The nasty looking beetle/alien in the photo above, was there greeting me when I walked into the lounge this morning, Ingrid had opened up one of the ground windows to 'hurl' overnight, and in her spewy daze, had left it open - which is a nice invitation for all the creepy crawlies outside nestling in the bush. - This bad boy was over 15 cm long!
ps. There's a cute liitle video of Sophie playing on the swing on her video page to the left.

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