Thursday, February 22, 2007


The past few weeks have been pretty busy with various work functions, (and not to mention the odd cricket game thrown in!) so I thought it was only fair that Ingrid gets an afternoon off to do some girly stuff.

I left work at 11am this morning to meet the girls at the docs, Sophie was due her final vaccination jab. I was expecting the worse, but the injection was quick and Sophie only cried for a couple of minutes before her cheeky little grin came right back. We grabbed a quick bite together afterwards then Ingrid buggered off.
Look how high daddy swings me mummy...this rocks!

The standard cute shot on the swing for the camera

We ran out of food, so I decided to feed her some flowers...she dind't mind them.

Trying to give the thumbs up for a top afternoon

The two of us had heaps of fun at home too, we played in the sandpit for a bit, drew some pictures on her blackboard and after her mid afternoon nap, we headed off to the park down the road. As you can see in the photo’s, Sophie absolutely LOVES playing on the swings, I reckon she could stay on their all day long if she had the chance. I also got to push her really high on the swing without her mummy there to tell daddy off too.

We went for a bit of a walk afterwards and read a couple of books when we got home, then she had her dinner, bath, bottle and play-time and finally off to bed. 10/10 afternoon with Sophie and her old man.


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