Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brad and Sophie suck

We are trying to get Sophie to drink more water so she can start cutting down on the amount of milk she drinks, but getting her to drink it is harder said than done! So we came up with this way of getting the dreaded water down and that is to make her feel like a grown up and drinking it through a straw with her daddy. It worked a treat as she loves to feel like a big grown up girl -although when she has had enough she lets us know by spitting it back out - so now we just have to cut that out...

Sophie and I went to plunket yesterday for her 9-10 month check up and everything is perfect according to the nurse. Weight, height and head measurement as well as developmental things are all normal, so thats always a good outcome. We have her fourth jabs to be done this week, something we never enjoy doing, but its good for her in the long run to make sure she doesn't get the dreaded meningitis, so we can put up with a few howls when she gets the jabs compared to what might happen if she got meningitis.

Poor Brad has been pretty crook the last few days after eating a dodgy chicken sandwich at the cricket on Sunday but is slowly coming right, but still not quite himself although I am sure he will back in full form in the next few days. I am off to my work tomorrow to organise my hours as I will only be returning part time to begin with, so although I am looking forward to getting my brain ticking over again, I know that I will miss Sophie BIG TIME when she goes into daycare.


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