Friday, April 6, 2007

Week 1 at Day Care.

Well luckily the week at daycare for Sophie got better, so that in turn made me feel much better dropping her off there each day. After the first couple of days where Sophie most definitely didn't want to have an afternoon sleep, she finally got herself back into routine and slept there on Wednesday and Thursday - although they were only short naps, it made for a much happier child when I went to pick her up each afternoon and she managed to stay awake longer in the evening in order for her daddy to see her each night.
Monday was our two year wedding anniversary, so a very kind friend babysat for us while we went to our favourite Italian restaurant for a bite to eat and quiet wine or two. It was a lovely evening and Sophie was perfect while we were away, although I am sure it was because she was totally exhausted from her big first day at daycare.
Work for me is a little quieter than I would like, but thats just because it is early days still and they are very kindly letting me settle in slowly - good in theory but does make me sit and think of Sophie and miss her more than if I was busy, busy, busy. Still I am sure it will pick up a little more soon.
I am posting this on Easter Friday and we are trying to decide what to do with the weekend as it would seem such a waste sitting around at home and we will probably all get incredibly bored if we did, so I guess we had better look up things to do on the internet! When I picked Sophie up yesterday from daycare, they had done some paintings, so below is Sophie's very first piece of artwork - I see talent in there - maybe she will be a great artist like her great nan Florence!


Sophie's artwork on display on the fridge

Out to dinner on our anniversary

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