Saturday, April 7, 2007

Ferry time.

It was a beautiful day yesterday (Easter Friday) so we decided to go for a trip on the Ferry. We headed over to Devonport around 11am and jumped on the Auckland Ferry for a little adventure into the city centre.

Sophie had a blast standing outside on the deck trying to catch the wind in her hands while squealing with joy all the way over. (about a 20 minute trip)
After we arrived we went for a stroll down Princess Wharf and had lunch (well, Sophie ate lunch and Mummy and Daddy just had coffee) at a swanky cafe. Afterwards we went for a walk around the shops and cafe's around the Viaduct and then headed back to the Ferry terminal. The trip back across the harbour was just as cool for Sophie and naturally, she was very loud and gave everyone on deck big smiles.

Steve and Maria came over in the afternoon to see their little niece (who was having a monster afternoon sleep) - I had to wake her up around 4pm otherwise she would have been up all night!

Sophie getting excited before the big boat ride

View from the Ferry...stunning day.

Mummy and Sophie on board

Daddy and Sophie...lucky her hat was tied on properly!

Doesn't she look sweet in this shot aye?

Eating lunch at The Hilton...and yes she made lots of mess

Daddy pulling stupid faces

Mummy striking a pose on Deck

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