Sunday, April 8, 2007

My day at Sheep World

I'm getting a lot bigger now so I made mummy and daddy turn my car-seat around like a real grown-ups. It's heaps better and I can see lots of stuff now.
I found out about a place called "Sheep World" today, it's about a hour's drive north of Auckland, so after I woke up from my mid-morning sleep, we packed up the car and headed out.
Check me out now sitting the right way round in the car...finally!

Outside Sheep World. Daddy put me in front of the sign 'caus he said it was a 'great scene setter'...whatever that means?

Guess what we saw there...I couldn't believe it either...sheep!

We even saw little sheep there...funny that, especially at a place called Sheep World.

Mummy hogged all the pet food and fed the animals...she was muttering something about growing up on a farm and re-living her youth...I thought this was supposed to be all about me?

There's mummy again...hogging the farm food, feeding the animals...and not a picture of me in sight...

Arhh, that's more like it. This is what I came here to do...get up nice and close with all the farm animals...quick sheepy thing, smell my finger!

He did smell my finger!...that's pretty funny - now the other one wants a turn too!

I had a great time at Sheep world today, thanks mum and dad.
I feel asleep in the car on the way home and after we got home we all went out to the park for the afternoon. We saw a family there and they had a very excited was really friendly and came right up to me and up licked my face. It was funny, caus since I've been going to day care, I've had a runny nose all the time...and the kind doggy licked it all off so mummy and daddy didn't have too...and there was lots of it on there too...mmmm.
See ya.

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