Monday, April 2, 2007

Day Care. Day 1

Day Care. Day 1.
As promised here's Day 1 Update.
Well day one of work! I can’t actually believe that it has been a year since I went on Maternity leave from my job and am now returning. It felt very strange walking back through the doors and feeling like I had never left the place. It was incredibly hard leaving Sophie this morning, but her caregiver called at midday to say she was doing well and had her morning sleep without too many problems, so it was great to get that feedback and feel a lot better about dropping her off. However it was a different story when I went to pick her up after work. I could here her screaming the minute I stepped out of the car! She most definitely did not want to have an afternoon sleep and of course by the time I got her home and kept her occupied until dinner time she was very, very grumpy and quite hard to keep awake – so into bed at 5.30 she went, which of course makes it difficult for Brad to see her. So fingers crossed it’s just a bit of early day teething troubles that will get better over time. Of course I now feel like a guilty mother!
Keep posted for another update of our adventure at daycare!


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