Sunday, April 1, 2007

Day Care tomorrow

Sophie begins a new phase in her life tomorrow. Dare Care.

Look Sophie's so eager to get outside again, she's trying to unlock the bloody door!
The ironic thing is, we spoke quite openly at the beginning about how she wouldn’t need to go to day-care and Ingrid would more than likely not go back to work, but after almost 11 months, we’ve both agreed that it will be beneficial to Sophie to at least have a crack at it for 25 hours a week. Sophie is now at an age where she is constantly on the go all the time and adores getting out of the house and interacting with other human beings as much as possible.

Ingrid, obviously, is apprehensive and feeling bad about leaving her tomorrow, (I found it hard enough leaving Sophie to go back to work after a month, so I can only imaging how Ingrid must be feeling at the moment, basically leaving Sophie with complete strangers for a few hours a day)… Although we have met the care-givers quite a bit and they seem like genuine nice people who love what they do. I bet Ingrid will be texting and phoning them all every 30 minutes for the first couple of weeks all the same!

Ingrid went out and bought a whole lot of new clothes and things for Sophie too, she needs a new change of clothes daily, shoes, formula and a big supply of nappies, they pretty much supply everything else – they even have a qualified chef/cook that comes in daily to cook and prepare all the lunches for them…lucky little buggers.

I’m sure Sophie will love Dare Care (and just quietly, Ingrid might enjoy a bit of adult stimulation throughout the day too). We both have agreed that if Daycare doesn’t work out for whatever reasons, Ingrid at least can take her out and come home again, and after only 11 months at home, Sophie’s already developed into a beautiful, extremely bright, well natured, adorable little bubs, which is testament to what a truly wonderful job Ingrid has done so far.


Ps. Thanks again to Nana for coming up this weekend, it was great to see you again and Sophie loved having you here too!

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