Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sophie still unwell

Unfortunately Sophie hasn’t improved much since Friday which has resulted in a couple of rough nights with very little sleep, for all of us.

We had planned to go to the Red Hot Chili Peppers last night, we had a babysitter booked and ready to go, but Sophie obviously wasn’t well so I stayed home and Ingrid went along with a few people from work. (I saw them play in Boston a few months back, so it didn’t really bother me not seeing them again so soon). Thankfully one of us did stay home and not the baby-sitter, as Sophie didn’t really sleep at all during the evening and needed feeding and lots of cuddles.
She's been like this most of the weekend...poor little thing
Ingrid got home around midnight, she said she couldn't really enjoy the show, knowing her little baby was so unwell back at home.

During the night Sophie wouldn’t sleep so Ingrid took her down to the spare room and rested her on her chest until she finally drifted off lying on her mummy.

We took her back to the Doctors today for another check-up. She still has a mild fever and has also developed a pretty nasty ear infection, which is why she’s not sleeping properly and prefers burying her head into one of us and sleeping that way. She’s on more drugs than the Rolling Stones have ever consumed too!

A rare shot of Sophie smiling this weekend...and check out those tired little eyes.
The Doc said we should keep her home for a couple of days so she can ride out the virus and hopefully her ear infection will get better, the poor thing has her eye teeth coming through too which has given her diarrhea and nasty old nappy rash.

It almost brings tears to your eyes when Sophie stares at us both, desperately searching for an answer as to why she’s feeling the way she does. Hope she gets better soon.

Sophie's drug stash


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