Monday, April 23, 2007

Much better today

Sophie woke up around 2am this morning. I was extra sneaky and pretended to be in a coma- like sleep when she woke up, so Ingrid drew the short straw and spent over an hour getting her back to sleep again.

We’re doing split work shifts over the next couple of days. I went to work early this moring and came home around 2pm, then Ingrid went into work. Tomorrow I'm staying home in the morning and we're swapping over at midday. Wednesday is a Public Holiday and fingers crossed Sophie can go back to Day Care on Thursday.
I caught Sophie playing with the TV remote today. She had turned on the 'History Channel' and was fascinated with a nasty little German guy with a dodgy mo.

The good news is Sophie is a lot better today. She's almost back to her energetic little self again, christ, I even had to tell her off this afternoon for continually climbing up the bloody stairs! and she knows what the word 'no' means too, she even went bright red in the checks at one stage and dropped her bottom lip to the floor when I told her off.

She did have lots of smiles for both of us today though and is eating more and more. The antibiotics are obviously doing their's nice having our little girl back.

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