Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back to Day Care today

Apart from nearly disfiguring herself today, the staff at Day Care said Sophie had her best day so far. She had two pretty decent sleeps and was chatting with everybody and running around all day long...up until she did a head-first nose dive on the lino...and is now sporting a swollen red button nose.

I'm glad I wasn’t there when she fell over, she comes close to setting off car alarms when she bangs her head a little bit, so a full blooded nose dive would have been ear-splitting.

No photo's of the red swollen nose...a little cute shot instead

Sophie's still got a little cold, but her virus has disappeared and her ear infection seems well cleared up. We had to stop the penicillen as it was giving her a nasty rash all over her body, but she seems a lot better now.

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