Friday, April 27, 2007

Check out my sore nose!

I checked out the bloggy thingy yesterday and noticed that daddy didn't put up any photos of my sore nose....I want lots of people to see so they can all say 'oh poor little Sophie' and give me lots of cuddles when they see me...I like cuddles....
My Nana is coming up to see me this weekend - Yay! and I overheard mummy and daddy talking about 'ditching me' tomorrow with Nana while they go out and 'party hard''s daddy's radio awards thing-a-ma-jig tomorrow night.

Looks really sore aye?...that's caus it is silly.
It's mummy's birthday on Sunday and I don't think she is very happy about it...caus everytime daddy mentions it he always says that she's going to be THREE years older than him, then mummy starts to get very angry at him...and I laugh...lots.
Anyway, my attention span is gone now, can't be bothered with this anymore...I'm gonna climb up the stairs again when no-one is looking! See ya!

More shots of my sore nose...come on, 1...2...3 "oh poor Sophie"


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