Friday, April 20, 2007

Sophie unwell

Sophie was fast asleep at daycare when Ingrid went to pick her up this afternoon. She rarely sleeps there during the day and bviously needed it, so Ingrid left here there and came and picked me up early from work.

When we arrived at daycare together, we could both see Sophie through one of the side windows. Sophie was sitting a little high chair having her afternoon tea. We felt a little bit like dodgy criminals spying through the window watching out cute bubs eating, and when Sophie eventually spied us, we saw her tears well up surprisingly, so we headed inside. The DayCare staff told us that she had slept for close to 2 hours (which is really unusual for Sophie) but apart from the long afternoon nap, she had been fine all day long.

Didn't want a photo of Sophie looking unwell, so I found this cute little one of her instead
We packed her up and headed back home. The quick 5 minute car-ride was awful though, Sophie cried and grizzled while rubbing her eyes with a sad look on her face all the way back. Once home, we could easily tell Sophie wasn’t herself, she wouldn’t stop crying and continued to bury her upset little head into us. Her poor checks were bright red and she became increasingling hot. We tried to give her a bit of Pamol to see if that would help, but she spat it all out and became even more upset and agitated. While I was holding on to her and trying to settle her down, her entire body suddenly went into, that is a pretty traumatic thing to experience, she had a good 5-6 body spasms within 60 seconds or so and then went limp and stared straight ahead…looking into space.

After taking her temperature (which was pretty high - 38.8) we gave her a bottle which she skulled super fast then rushed her off to the A&E clinic down the road. The poor thing was beside herself as the doc took her temperature again (which had increased even more by this stage) but they did manage to get some more Pamol into her between her screaming fits.

The Doc then phoned Starship Hospital to get some more advice. In the end they told us to sit tight, take her home to bed and mentioned if she has any more convulsions or fits overnight, we needed to rush her into hospital ASAP. We found out the convulsions apparently aren’t that uncommon for babies between 9-20 months, providing they are isolated ones and last less than 5 minutes. They also said Sophie had obviously picked up a ‘viral thing’ and she 'simply needs to ride it out'. Tomorrow we need to take her back for a urine test and quick check up again.

I’m happy to report that she hit the sack soon as we got home and fingers crossed she has a good nights sleep….scary shit though.

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