Sunday, July 9, 2006


Well it was definitely too good to be true, Sophie no longer sleeps overnight anymore. We seem to have taken a BIG step backwards and she has been a total horror for the last few days and no amount of book reading from so called ‘experts’ is helping, I guess we will just have to muddle through and hope its just an ‘unsettled’ patch, as I am planning on taking her down to New Plymouth for a few days in a weeks time while Brad is off on his ‘market tour’ and would like her to be on her best behaviour otherwise it could be a veeeeery long drive.

Today we took a drive out to the new mall that has opened in Auckland called Sylvia Park. A huge amount of marketing was put into the opening and all the news stories on TV and radio went on about the traffic jams because of the people rushing to the ‘Grand Opening’ well, what a disappointment it turned out to be – the Glenfield Mall is bigger! The complex is only half finished by the looks of it and there were no high street fashion stores that we could see – unless we missed half the bloody thing, probably did knowing us, here we are moaning and groaning about what a waste of a journey and in our sleepless haze probably didn’t notice the walkway to the other half of the shops! Maybe we will go out again in a couple of months when we are less tired and see if we missed out anything.

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