Sunday, February 13, 2011

Birthday party fun!

Yesterday was the start of the birthday season...for the next 6 weeks or so there is a birthday every weekend - (including Max's 2nd next Saturday)...and boy do the kids love them!

 Leo from Kids Klub 4th Birthday
Leo's parents win the prize for best kids birthday party ever!
Even organised a freakin' traveling zoo!
 Soph was ecstatic!
 Her BFF from Kids Klub Nadine
 Sophie's first horse ride...and she loved it
Max and his girlfriend Lilly-Rose..the two of the are inseparable!
 Mr. Romantic - check out his hand cupped around her back...
 More swing-time
 Caden and his ladies
 Games down the hill - Sophie won the sack race but blew out on the rolly-polly race
 Leo's Birthday Cake
Max knackered and full after a big day