Thursday, January 29, 2009

Home sweet home

Brad has given me the hard word - I am to update the blog daily now that I am a housewife - yeah right! My days aren't that exciting, but I will certainly try and keep a somewhat simple journal of day to day life while counting down our new arrival. As this will be the last child, I guess it will be nice to have an account in years to come of the last few weeks of pregnancy. Its probably not the best time to start this as to be honest I am uncomfortable, hot, swollen and pretty grumpy and feral. I am so NOT glowing and this little boy is determind to ruin his mothers body! I am covered in stretch marks, and pimples! I mean where the heck did they come from, even as a teenager I never got pimples and was pretty lucky to have skin that people commented on. Now that has been wiped away by a constant redness and pimples that just won't go away! To make it worse I have been picking them and now am worried I will be scarred for life! I have also swollen quite considerably with fluid in this heat, and it looks as if I have had collegan impanted into my lips! So not sexy. This baby had better love his mumma forever for what he has put me through.
I think i am carrying this bubs a little different than with Sophie. He seems to be all out the front - hence the stretch marks I think, whereas Sophie was more side to side. He is also sitting pretty high too still which I guess means he probably won't make an early arrival as much as I would love that to be. So in this hot weather it means I can't breathe very well and have had a few dizzy moments. Still I am now 36 weeks pregnant, which means hopefully I only have four more weeks to go.
Its nice being at home this week. Although I had all these great ideas in my head to clean and scrub the house from top to bottom but really all I have done so far is washing and watching TV. I am waiting for that energy that is meant to kick in that makes me want to 'nest'. Ain't got it yet!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Waterbombs & Westie Chicks

Sophie ad I nipped down to the local dairy the other night to pick up a few things. Normally visits to the dairy end in tears because like supermarkets, dairies put all the colourful treats at just the right height for little girls to grab....I told her she wasn't allowed any lollies - so little miss smarty pants reached for a bag of brightly coloured balloons instead and started saying "no lollies daddy" How can you refuse that? When we got home and opened them up I noticed they were actually little 'water-bomb' balloons...I think I was more excited than Sophie. The two of us have had a ball filling them up and throwing them outside on the deck every night this's the best $2 I've ever spent!
"Ready daddy..1...2..."
"Oh where's it gone now?"

"I'm gonna hit your one daddy!"
Westie Chick
"Hey mate...where the hell are you going!...get back in here!"
"Yeah I know you...howzit"

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The ghost on the wall...

In just a little over 5 weeks, Sophie will get a brand spanking new baby brother!
Yip, the countdown is well and truly on now – Ingrid wraps up work next Friday, the baby room is pretty much completede and all of us are getting more excited by the day...(well Sophie and I are...Ingrid just wants the bloody thing out!)
I’m not sure if we’re talked about baby names on the blog yet – but we’re having a bit of trouble with this one – even though we didn’t name Sophie until a few days after birth, we both really loved the name 'Sophie' weeks before hand - this kid though is a little different and even though we’ve got a handful of names that are ok-ish - nothing has really stuck...(Bradley Junior does have a nice ring to it though don't you agree?)
"Where's Sophie gone?"
We spent a large chunk of the day at Milford beach today – Sophie really enjoys the beach and is getting more confident in the water every time we go – hopefully tomorrow is another stunner so we can have seconds!
- The good old self timer every time
She could have played this game all day!
Fun at the beach
Jeez Mummy, what's your foot doing in the shot!
More fun with the ball!
"love those fluffies"
Mummy crashed while Sophie checks out her baby brother kicking and moving around...
"Mmm meat!
"Bugger salads..this is the bomb!"
Mummy drying Sophie's hair before bed
While Ingrid was drying Sophie's hair just before bed last night, Soph was singing and making up more songs (as she does) while checking herself out in the mirror...I took a wee video of her here ...but then afterwards as I was downloading the photos...I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up...10 points if you can guess why...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bran muffins

Happy muffin baking time with Mummy
The house has been empty for a few days now and Sophie has been missing her rellie's heaps. We ended up having 10 people around for Christmas dinner which went pretty smoothly, we had Ingrid's father (Mike) and Carol along with mum staying for a few nights - Sophie sure did lap up all the attention and was a little angel all week long.
The weather has been sporadic the past few days, stunning one day, then lousy the next - we've made the most of the fine days by going to the beach a few times and even visiting the Auckland Zoo - and during one of the crappy days, Ingrid and Sophie tackled a few bran muffins. As you can tell by the photo's Sophie loved every minute of it - in fact, she loved them so much she practically ate the lot...we unfortunately ended up paying for it the following day...lets just say nappy changing was a lot less pleasant than normal...
"This is how you do check for consistency of the dry mix"
"then stir it around and around"
"then spoon some mix into the muffin holders...being very careful not to spill any"
"ohh mummy that's too much...take some out"
Even time to check out my special fairy outfit Grantz bought me for Xmas