Sunday, November 16, 2008

Three Blind Mice

Sophie’s latest obsession is stickers! She can’t get enough of them – we’ve ended up buying her a couple of big sticker books where you have to match the hundreds of stickers to the right pictures and shapes in the book – and Sophie has pretty much nailed the entire thing!
Sophie is 2 ½ and learning more and more every day - she was in the bath last night singing “I can see a rainbow” with full-on hand movements and even throwing in a couple of verses that I've never heard before! – and today we were reading a nursery rhyme book and Sophie got all emotional and dropped her lip when we were reading ‘Three Blind Mice' she said she was 'weally sad' because 'the mouse’s can’t see and they might fall over and hurt their knee…'

Sticker time with mummy

This weekend, I finally finished off the 'man-cave' outside too - it's only taken four months to get the entertainment system hooked up...and last night we set up the projector and cranked the volume to 'Ear Splitting 10' and enjoyed a movie without fear of waking Sophie up!

Today, we checked out Big Boys Toys - Sophie got a bit freaked out by the share amount of people there but still seemed to enjoy herself...
The Man Cave
-All the necessities...a couch, fridge and entertainment centre
"Arhh I'm not sure about this dude daddy.."

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