Saturday, September 27, 2008

Say that again Sophie

"Bouncy castle fall down"
It's official: Sophie is a little chatterbox! She's forming loads of full sentences and talking up a storm lately and one thing she tends to do a lot (and I mean A LOT) is repeat the same thing over and over and over again, obviously it's how they learn but it does get a tad bit repetitive as you could imagine.
I played Rugby with The Rock team a couple of weekends ago and Sophie and Ingrid came along to watch. There was a huge bouncy castle there for kids to play on and lots of other things to do. At some stage during the afternoon they took the bouncy castle down...and since that point - Sophie has told the following story: "Mummy and Fofie watch Daddy play wugby and then bouncy castle come down, mmmm"
The little 'mmmm' she says at the end of each sentence is very cute though, even after we've heard the same story 150 times...

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