Sunday, January 27, 2008


Sophie's first pig-tails...isn't she a little cutie aye?
Daddy trying to be stylie with his new computer photo programme thingy...

"Cheers mummy!"...A quick coffee for Mum and Dad...and a cheeky little 'fluffy' for Sophie. Later on that day she shouted out "cheers"to the check-out operator at the supermarket when we's crazy how quick they pick things up!
"Arhh this is more like it"...Sophie sick of watching the two of us enjoy a weekend coffee while she drinks her water...her first cafe 'fluffy'...and somehow I don't think it's her last...
Daddy feeling pretty proud after managing to put Sophie's hair up...without her having a spazz!
Hanging out at the park's been an action packed weekend so far -a drive up north to the beach yesterday, parks galore today...and tomorrow we're off to visit a farm for kids...Sophie looking forward to seeing the "manimals"...(yip she's made us read heaps of animal books lately and is infatuated by (as she says) 'the manimals!'
Daddy trying to be 'Picasso' with his new photo programme
"Just stick to your day job daddy..."
(Click picture to enlarge)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Yes...a long time

I've been having problems with the login on the blog recently - and now the bloody new camera won't work properly! here's a couple of shots from a few weeks ago.
ps. Sophie doing really well and loving it back at Kids Club!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Holiday in the rain

I would be lying if I told you it pissed down everyday while we were on holiday last week - the truth is, we did have one day of sunshine...the skies cleared the day we came home.
Proof that it didn't rain all the time...a beautiful place when the sun is out

It was pretty close to being the holiday from hell:

1. Ingrid came down with stomach bug on day 1
2. Tutakaka seemed to be the only place in NZ that wasn't bathed in glorious sunshine all week.
3. Sophie didn't want to sleep at all while we were away -waking up at midnight and not getting back to sleep until 4am one night!
4. Ingrid forgot half the food.
5. We had to endure the same Hi Five DVD 3-4 times per day

Sophie's ready for beach action...then it rains again...she's not happy
In saying that, we had moments of fun, every 5-6 hours, the rain would stop for 15 minutes so we managed a quick swim in the pool or, took a speedy visit to one of the beaches and Sophie did a stack of painting while we were there too.

I guess it did teach us one thing…next time we’ll take more notice of the forecast before heading away on a summer’s holiday.

"Hi is this the taxi department?...can someone come and pick me up please...this holiday sucks!"

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sophie LOVES the Ocean

We're heading up north tomorrow to (hopefully) spend a few more days in the sun and surf - I say hopefully, as the forecast is complete shit for the next few days up North...bugger.
Anyhow, staying optimistic -we went for a drive out to Mission Bay today and ended up having an impromptu swim at the beach there. We stopped and had a play at the groovy park next to the beach and then I made the fatal mistake of telling Sophie we'll 'go for a play down by the sea' as soon as she stepped foot onto the sand - her eyes lit up and she was off!
If we had any doubts that she hated was dispelled then and there - we couldn't keep her out of the ocean at all!, talk about no fear...I was griping her hand as tight as and all she wanted to do was go further and further into the raging waters...a bit scary yes, but as long as she realises she can't go near the water by herself, she'll start to learn pretty quick.

I'll update you during the weekend when we return from our trip up North.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lunch by the pool

Sophie took her first swim in the ocean yesterday and loved every minute of bodes well for next week, when the three of us head up north for a few days of sun and beaches at Tutakaka.

We've managed to do quite a lot this week - checking out different beaches everyday, spending lots of time at the parks, going for walks in the stroller - and Sophie's other past time has been swimming in her groovy new pool (thanks again Auntie Nicky!)

WARNING: - The following pictures and language from Sophie may shock you...discretion is advised.
"Yip...another day just chillin' in the pool...I must say, I'm a tad bit hungry though..."
"What did you say Mummy? - you're gonna make me some lunch? - You beauty!."
"Ok...I'll just put my foot up and relax by the pool and wait for lunch....La de da de da...I wonder what's taking her so long?"
"Is that her coming now...Nope false alarm...mmmm, I wonder what's for lunch better be good...I'm frick'n starving!"
"Alrighty then, I guess I'll just eat all the INVISIBLE food at the table then aye?"
"Ohh come on, this is getting ridiculous now...just bring me my blimm'n lunch will you!"
"...I'm starting to get just a wee bit angry now..."
"Listen to me...Bring me my lunch!...NOW!!!!"
This is bordering on long does it take to slap together a peanut butter sandwich for gods sake!
"Arhh...there it is....I knew it wouldn't take long..."