Monday, January 14, 2008

Holiday in the rain

I would be lying if I told you it pissed down everyday while we were on holiday last week - the truth is, we did have one day of sunshine...the skies cleared the day we came home.
Proof that it didn't rain all the time...a beautiful place when the sun is out

It was pretty close to being the holiday from hell:

1. Ingrid came down with stomach bug on day 1
2. Tutakaka seemed to be the only place in NZ that wasn't bathed in glorious sunshine all week.
3. Sophie didn't want to sleep at all while we were away -waking up at midnight and not getting back to sleep until 4am one night!
4. Ingrid forgot half the food.
5. We had to endure the same Hi Five DVD 3-4 times per day

Sophie's ready for beach action...then it rains again...she's not happy
In saying that, we had moments of fun, every 5-6 hours, the rain would stop for 15 minutes so we managed a quick swim in the pool or, took a speedy visit to one of the beaches and Sophie did a stack of painting while we were there too.

I guess it did teach us one thing…next time we’ll take more notice of the forecast before heading away on a summer’s holiday.

"Hi is this the taxi department?...can someone come and pick me up please...this holiday sucks!"

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