Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Beautiful Saturday

The weather took a fantastic turn for the better with the sun coming out and the air nice and warm, so with Sophie and her snotty nose (yet another cold) we decided to head out for the day, as she needed to get some fresh air. We started off this morning around the house, sweeping the deck (Sophie’s newest favourite game) reading books, playing race up and down the stairs and then a spot of supermarket shopping where Sophie loves to eat an apple around the aisles.
The King family enjoying their day at the beach
After a nice big sleep for Sophie and a bit of lunch for us all we decided to head off to the park for a swing and slide and run around. After soaking up some sun there (with sunblock of course) we then went to the beach, which luckily for us in Auckland is never a big drive away, and enjoyed a few hours of walking in the sand and inspecting almost every rock, shell and piece of rubbish along the way.
Sophie spots some birds...a second later she was off to chase them!
Opening her lunch-box to feed the birds...
We stopped in the nice grassy area at the beach for a bit of afternoon tea which was basically just an excuse for Sophie to feed the seagulls her food and pick up every nasty bit of rubbish lying around! I can’t understand why people find the need to drop their rubbish everywhere when there are perfectly good bins everywhere…but anyway ranting aside we had a fantastic day as a family and just enjoyed having the day with each other. Sophie is now tucked up warmly in bed for a big night sleep and we hope to have another wonderful day tomorrow soaking up the sun and spending time together.
Brad and Sophie striking a pose in front of Rangatoto Island
Mother and Daughter enjoying the sun
We finished off the day at a different park, Sophie took her first slide down the BIG Slide...and loved it!


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