Saturday, September 29, 2007

Clever little Sophie

Sophie enjoyed herself out in the sun yesterday. It was a cracker day so the little rudie ran around the house with her top off!...actually she spilt the entire bottle of pump,all over herself in the car and she was drenched!
Dad and Marc surprised us yesterday which was nice, so we picked up some Subways and all headed to the park for a picnic. Sophie normally always sits in her highchair or little portable chair when she eats, but yesterday she simply sat with us all on a blanket quite content and ate her lunch while checking out all the kids running around in the park.


Sophie enjoying the sun on her back on a beautiful day


The past couple of weeks Sophie has really started to try and talk...she's still making no sense at all, but at least now, she's saying saying more than just 'Mumma' and 'Dadda'! Every now and then she'll blurt out a hundred different noises all at once and then get really excited, It won't be long now before words start forming properly.

Click here to see a little video showing how clever Sophie is. She's is a book fiend and makes us read books to her more and more but it's paying off, she might be a little brain box this kid I reckon...


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