Friday, August 17, 2007

Yip, we're slackers...

It’s official, both Ingrid and I are slack at updating the blog (Ingrid more so obviously…)

Sophie is in fine form these days; she’s growing bigger as each day passes and learning new things at a staggering rate (but I suppose all parents say that huh?)

Sophie the future Rockstar, sporting her first Rock'nRoll T-shirt


The weather has been typical in Auckland these past couple of weeks, so we haven’t had a really good chance to spend much time outside with her during the weekends…something that Sophie absolutely loves!. We’ve managed a few fleeting visits to the park which keeps her entertained for hours, but apart from that we’ve had to try and find lots of indoor things to do, like making tents out of sheets inside the house or letting Sophie run riot at various shopping malls in Auckland! One cool thing she is doing though at the mall is holding our hand when we walk around...little cutie.

Fun at the park...trying to swing higher than mummy!

Wrapped up nice and warm on a freezing day outside
It’s crazy, just how many things Sophie is now recognizing and can point out when you ask her where things are…stuff like, trees, the clock, flowers, pens, Hi-5 (of course!) Toys, Books pretty much most things around the house she identifies these days, and if we ask for a specific book, she will rummage around in her toy box until she finds it and then comes running to us with a big smile on her face saying ‘dear!’ and pointing to the book…

Fun at the Mall

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