Monday, July 23, 2007

Sophie goes flying

My Grandmother had an 80th Birthday Party during the weekend and the relies were coming from far and wide to be there. We decided to fly down to New Plymouth this time, purely to avoid traveling 5 hours or so with Sophie in the car. Both Ingrid and I were a little apprehensive about the Sophie’s first flight, but in the end it was a breeze, all we had to do was read her favourite books over and over and she was sweet as!.

It was great catching up with lots of family I haven’t seen in years – and the 80th party went down really well, mum planned most of it and everybody seemed to really enjoy it.
Sophie had a great time hanging out with family and friends and had everyone in stitches while she danced to her new “Hi-Five” CD (new video loaded to the right of the page too)

Thanks again mum for having us and we’ll catch up with you next time!


Sophie loving the tramp at mums place!

Check out Sophie's disapproval! - "You should be reading stories to me only mummy!"

Making new friends at the party
Storytime with Nana

Where's that Hi Five music gone!

Sophie and her Great Grandmother on her 80th


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