Sunday, July 8, 2007

Feeding ducks in the middle of winter

Sophie gets a bit bored staying home in the weekend so we try and go out as often as possible. Yesterday, the Auckland weather was up to its usual tricks and was all over the show.
We did manage a brief break in the weather early afternoon, so we wrapped up Sophie nice and warm and headed down to the local park to feed the ducks. The park was freezing and the grass was sludgy due to the constant rain lately, but Sophie didn't seem to mind - as soon as we got her out the car her eyes lit up, her mouth opened wide up and she started squealing with excitement.

We fed the ducks and seagulls until the bread ran out...we could have been there longer if Sophie hadn't tried to pick up and eat everything we threw to the birds...
Hi birds...come and give me a hi-5!
Running like the wind
We finally got around to putting up some art in the lounge this weekend too, we thought it might be cool to make our own...not sure if it came out like we intended, but if people laugh at it, we will simply say "Sophie painted it and we're so proud of her we decided to hang it up in the living room!"

Isn't Sophie clever aye!

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