Saturday, July 14, 2007

At last....a sunny day!

We found a new park for Sophie to play at this weekend. It's only 5 minutes from home and best of all, it has Sophie's favourite new thing in the world at the moment...a slide! As you can tell from the photos' below, it's pure excitment sliding down, over and over...and over again.
We've finally got a break inthe weather so we stayed outdoors for a while, as the poor little thing hasn't had much of a chance to get outdoors recently, so she really lapt it up at the park.
We brought her some crayons and drawing pads too just in case we had to settle indoors for the's about this age (or so the books say) that they start scribbling and trying to draw...but judging by Sophie's efforts, it may take her a littlle longer to get the hang of it, as all she really wants to do it's eat the bloody things!
Wrapped up nice and warm and rearing to go outdoors
Swing time!
You's a slide!!!!

Come on mummy - lets make it 57 times in a row!

One more swing for good luck too...

We stayed so long the sun starting going down too

I don't know what I'm supposed to do with these things...but they taste pretty damn good!

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