Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Beach time

It was a cracker day in Auckland today. Ingrid and I still needed to do a spot of painting and cleaning up, but as soon as we finished it (actually the paint ran out so we had to go and get some more) – we bundled up Sophie and headed for the beach.

We picked up a small sun shelter thing on the way and boy did we need it…it was a scorcher! The tide was out so the beach didn’t look that great, but I took Sophie down to the rocks to have a bit of a paddle all the same…she loved it, giggling and splashing around and completely drenching herself inn the process.
Mummy and Sophie chilling in the Sun tent thingy

Sophie enjoying the warm water with daddy

Back home, Sophie went straight to sleep after all her excitement so mummy and daddy could do some more painting... (oh joy) We decided to paint the fence and the fence trellis’s - silly move though; the trellis has a million little criss-cross’s in it, which makes it particularly nasty to paint. Oh well, more painting tomorrow then...(more joy)

I’ve gotta pop into work for a couple of hours to finish of some things so Ingrid and Sophie are going to have a couple of the coffee group girls around tomorrow morning, then Friday night Nana is coming up to baby-sit and Ingrid and I are off to Cirque Du Soleil which should be great…a night out together is long overdue.


Below are a few photo's of our handywork these past few days in the garden.

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