Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Is it time for solids?

Its been a mixed bag with Sophie for the past few days, some times she will go to bed and just cry for about five minutes to get off to sleep and other times its world war four!

Monday night was probably the worst night – I had a parent’s centre class that I signed up for to get ideas for playtime etc, so Brad was left holding the baby so to speak…and what a terrible time he had, Sophie had gotten very overtired and wouldn’t/couldn’t go to sleep. In the end it took her about two hours with Brad rocking her bassinet for her to drift off. She also has a new cry which she obviously wants to try out and of course because it’s new I went running, I guess she likes it now and tries it on at every sleep time.
Then last night after her 10.30pm feed, she woke up at 2.30am and grizzled for half an hour and then turned up the volume just after 3am, I went in and rocked her for half an hour before she fell back asleep and just as I had jumped back into bed and gotten comfortable and drifting off, she started up again, so the only thing I could do was to feed her, which she was very happy about! Unfortunately she thought she would take the opportunity and have a play, but there was no way I was having that, so back to bed she went and I let her cry it out for about 15 minutes before she fell back asleep. It was about 4am by this stage and do you think I could get back to sleep! And then to top it all off she woke up at 6.45am for another feed.
So the question to all the mums out there who read this – do you think it might be time for solids? She seems to be showing most of the signs and is 4 and a half months old, but all the books say she should be drinking about 900ml of milk and she doesn’t – she’s only drinking about 700-800ml, so I am wondering if maybe she is hungry because she isn’t drinking enough milk or if she isn’t drinking enough milk because she needs more sustenance…

I have to thank Brad so much for getting up this morning at 7am and staying home to feed Sophie while I lay comatose in bed – cheers bubs, was much appreciated xx.

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