Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Grumpy Tuesday

The little Soph-myster has been in a grump all day today. I got home from work and she gave me a quick smile when I picked her up and then vomited all over me.

We changed her formula on Sunday night from the thickened stuff she’s been used to, back to the normal stuff. Don’t think it has agreed with her obviously. So it’s back to the tried and true along with mummy’s milk in between.

She even started crying and grizzling in the bath tonight which is highly unlike her, she was just staring intently and then dropped her bottom lip (which still does look hilarious) and had a bawl…poor thing. Hopefully she’s good for mum later on, I’m popping along to beer group with the lads from the baby classes, I feel pretty stink because I haven’t been for a few weeks.


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