Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sophie tries to crawl

Sophie flirting with the camera, looking oh so cute

Sophie has a mischievous look on her face, just like her mum when she was little

Nah not really trying to crawl, but certainly showing how strong she is growing on a daily basis. Sophie has inherited some traits from both of us, but unfortunately they aren't the good traits we would have liked - from me she has inherited my fiery nature, getting angry at the slightest thing, you know, milk not coming out quick enough, and from Brad, his love of the TV! Even at this young age she stares at the TV when being fed and will almost break her neck trying to peer at it if we move her out of viewing site...I am trying to break the addiction by turning the TV off as much as possible when she is in the room, but Brad keeps turning it back on...oh well, maybe I should sell the TV while Brad is away. Speaking of which, Brad is away for the week in the South Island for work and I am taking Sophie down to our home town (New Plymouth) so she can be cuddled and loved from her extended family, so we probably won't get the chance to update for a few days, so keep posted from Thursday onwards and hopefully I will remember to take the camera and get some photos!


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