Saturday, June 3, 2006

What a Sh*t of a day...

Its funny, but when I started this blogsite way back when I found out I was pregnant, I had every intention of it being updated by me every day once bubs arrived for family and friends to tune in and see what happens…strange how things never pan out the way you plan.
When we were told at antenatal that if you manage to get out of bed, have a shower and get dressed then you have achieved a full day, at the time I sniggered with laughter thinking that with a baby sleeping for approx 18 hours a day then surely having a shower and getting dressed should be easy, I would even have time I was sure to blow dry my hair as normal, and even put on my make up everyday! How wrong was I! As you can probably tell from the photos online I am lucky if I even get to brush my hair, let alone style it and as for make up, gosh even finding a minute to put on moisturizer can be difficult, I have even left the house on a few occasions with my slippers on!
Anyway onto today’s update. Of course Sophie has been a little angel for most of this week (minus the plunket day) but today of all days we have had a nightmare day. Poor little thing got herself so worked up all day that she was awake for nearly 12 hours straight and was so overtired and hungry that she just couldn’t put herself to sleep. She had been grizzly since 6am this morning wanting to feed every hour or so and obviously not getting enough, so had to give her two BIG formula top ups which finally just knocked her out and got her to sleep. Its hard work this feeding business, especially when you can tell that the milk supply just isn’t getting any better and now that she is growing bigger and demanding more I can’t keep up with her.

We even resorted to driving around for half an hour to try and get her to sleep but it didn’t work, not with an empty belly, of course I can’t see whether she is getting enough food in one hit, so it’s a bit of a guessing game and I resort to the formula as the last resort, but I am just going to have to swallow my pride and realize that I can’t provide her with what she needs and just get on with the artificial feeding (as everyone likes to call it), I personally don’t have a problem with using formula, but you do feel guilty when everyone advocates breast is best.

A blat around Auckland n The Rock Holden didn't even settle her down!
And to top it all off her Grandpops and Nana came all the way from the Hawkes Bay to see her, to which she scared them off after an hour! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and we can all get a good nights sleep tonight!

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