Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sophie's first All Balck game

I thought Sophie’s new All Black bib thing was going to jinx the first test of the year…but then I heard her mutter “come on boys!" near the end of the game, they obviously heard her and ran away with the win in the last 10 minutes...nice work Sophie!

Brad and Sophie's All Black game

We gave Sophie her first shower this morning, she seemed to really enjoy being held with warm water streaming all over her and looked really relaxed, I even saw a couple of smiles sneak in too. It’s a lot easier showering with her than giving her a bath. I got the easy part by holding her and making stupid baby noises, while Ingrid got the rough end of the stick - she had to dry, dress and change her afterwards. I shouldn't laugh but Sophie now drops her bottom lip when she's upset and both Ingrid and I were in stitches today laughing at how silly she looked! (it sounds awful I know, but I'm sure Sophie does it for sympathy votes)

She didn’t sleep that well during the morning and afternoon today, but then made up for it big time this evening by sleeping for close to 6 hours. We thought we’d leave her to sleep and not wake her, to see if it makes any difference overnight and tomorrow…we’ll let you know if it works or not.


"What the freakin' is going on here!"

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