Thursday, June 8, 2006

Late for work...Sophie's fault.

Sophie's new t-shirt

After leaving most her dinner on my shoulder late last night, I decided to get her one of our classic Rock “Spit Happens baby T-Shirts’ - it’s still 10 times to big for her but makes a great blanket at least.

Sophie now wakes up anywhere from 6:00 in the morning and I get ready for work around 6:30am, which normally works out brilliantly, It allows me to have a quick cuddle and chat with her before heading off for the day. This morning she woke up a little earlier than normal (5ish) and by the time I woke up, Ingrid had already fed her and put her back to bed again…"arrh shitter” I thought. Obviously, there was no way I could go to work that annoyed, not having had my Sophie fix for the day, so, there was only one thing to do, I had to stay in be and wait till she woke again…so I got the best of both worlds this morning, a much needed sleep-in, but more importantly, spending quality 'Sophie and daddy time' just before work (even though she made me miss a breakfast meeting in the process...naughty Sophie!)

The girls went along to coffee group today and Sophie was on her best behavior again (Ingrid had to take her for a blat around Auckland in the car for a good half an hour before it started to ensure she would be well crashed out during coffee group)
I’ve been trying to get Ingrid to take the camera with her every time she goes somewhere with Sophie, so we can post some photos of the girls on their days out…I gotta admit, Ingrid is getting better at this, today she took the camera with her at least….she just forgot to take any photos with it!


Show us your best Billy Idol pose Sophie!

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