Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Day of Two Halves

We started off today with me feeding Sophie downstairs and watching a horror on sky and Brad having a sleep in, or at least trying to. Then Auntie Katie came around to visit and finally catch Sophie while she was awake as I am sure everyone thinks she is just a figment of our imagination, mind you babies sleep and need to sleep a lot and there’s no way I am going to wake her up to show her off to visitors (sorry everyone) but it just means that when you go home we have a ratty grumpy baby for the rest of the day (read more about that). Anyway, Sophie was just an angel when Katie was here and even went straight to sleep on my shoulders just to show Katie how easy it all is. Then I finally went to the hairdressers to get my hair coloured after nine weeks of it looking like crap – mind you its not that much better now, they didn’t do the best of jobs like usual, I think they were all in a hurry to get away and start partying.
Sophie giving Katie the once over...
Unfortunately this is where it all goes downhill. I get home to Sophie crying and Brad stressed as she woke up just as I left and didn’t want to go back to bed, we made sure her nappy was dry, and that she had enough food, gave her lots of cuddles and made sure she wasn’t too hot or cold, but still she screamed the house down. She had worked herself up and was very very tired, but couldn’t get to sleep and we tried everything. In the end poor Brad was left watching a movie and rocking her for a couple of hours to sleep while I crashed after not getting much sleep the night before either. Finally she went to sleep and slept pretty well during the night…

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