Saturday, April 22, 2006

Brad's first post

I thought I'd better start practicing how to use the Blog for when Ingrid is too tired from cooking me dinner and cleaning the house (ohh, and looking after the new baby...)
So here is a lovely picture of Ingrid with just over two weeks to go before due date.

I've decided to take Monday off work so we could have a nice relaxing four-day weekend doing nothing ...I can't imagine we'll get to relax for a while after bubs is born, so we're enjoying chilling out this weekend.

Off to the radio awards next weekend. I feel a bit stink because it's Ingrid's birthday and she's not coming along. It's pretty tough as it is sitting through the 2 and half hour ceromony, even harder when you're nine months pregnant and can't find anything to wear! I'll just have to be good and not stay too late...

Till next time
Dad to be, Brad

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