Saturday, April 29, 2006

Birthday Girl

Late post tonight. Today is my birthday and although Brad loves to tell me I have now reached middle age I am actually only in my EARLY thirties still. Anyway it has been a lovely day with me being spoilt with presents from friends, family and of course Brad (although disappointed Charlie didn't get me anything!). Had lunch at Prego, a lovely Italian restaurant that is a favourite of mine and ate far too much food as usual. Dropped Brad off at the radio awards at 4.30pm and then did what every girl wants to do on their birthday, I did the grocery shopping - oh yes thats right! Had to really as we had no toilet paper or hand soap let alone any food and thought that perhaps using the yellow pages of the phone book might block the toilet up, so what else is one to do! Anyway, probably far too much information, so here is Brad with his news on the night..

I have just got back from the annual NZ Radio Awards (felt a bit stink ditching Ingrid on her birthday though) - but the good news is, The Rock took out three big awards!
Best Breakfast show for The Morning Rumble, I won best Programmer and we got the big one...Metro station of the Year!
Stayed for a few drinks afterwards but couldn't leave Ingrid home alone on her birthday feeling like a big balloon so came home to be with my bithday bubs.

Anyway, still buzzing about the big night – but I know I’ll will be buzzing even more in a few days when the little tacker decides it’s time to finally come out!


1 comment:

House Dad said...

WELL DONE BRAD...We are all stoked that you took out the top three awards. You have the best team there without a doubt.

All the best,

Lee, Adrienne and Jarvis