Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rugby World Cup Champions!

A picture says a thousand words.
A  great deal has happened since my last post.  We've had our survey results and The Rock is number 1 music brand in NZ for the 6th consecutive year; Max and Sophie have both had nasty virus's (at different times), Sophie had 2 weeks of school holidays, Grantz stayed for a few days over the holidays which was great, Mike and Carol, along with Tara and Graham (Carol's daughter and new husband) came up for the Semi Final stay for a couple of days and of course; I managed to get to 4 Massive RWC games all for free! and The All Blacks are Rugby World Cup Champions!

 Fish & Chips at the beach on Game Day

 Good mates Sophie and Leo
Max looking more cute each day
Sophie spent a day with the neighbours on Saturday during Labour weekend, so we returned the favour on Sunday (Game Day) and took Leo and the kids to Orewa Beach for the day - they had an absolute blast and it was good to see Max isn't as scared of the water this time around.  Yes summer is well and truly on it's way and I can't wait.

We had a couple of invites to watch the RWC Final at friends houses and at different bars in town, but we struggled to find babysitters (I guess they all wanted to watch the game too!) So we thought it would be nice if we invited Row and Justin and their two kids, Sabine and Piper around for a BBQ evening in front of the telly...and a couple of beers to boot. We all had a great night and  the kids knew something special was happening - as none of them wanted to go to bed so they all ended up staying up super late while watching  most of the game! Max is pretty clever and recognises and yells out every time he sees The All Blacks logo and Sophie seems to understand the magnitude of what happened and has been asking a zillion questions about Rugby and other countries taking part.
The day aftert the big win, we wanted to show our support so we headed into town along with 250,000 other Aucklanders and stood and cheered on our boys in black during  the parade.  Two out of the four of us enjoyed it! (that's all I've got to say on that one)

Loads of fun on the trampoline 
Half time 10pm RWC. -kids have progressed from the 'over-tired' stage to the 'gone freakin crazy' stage.  
Just a couple of people in town for the parade! 
at least someone was happy to be there!  
We got pretty close in the end
I've kept the pool clean all winter as it's been easy and relatively inexpensive to maintain,   a few bags of salt every few weeks, a vacuum once a fortnight and  making sure the pump goes on for a hour or two each day, pretty easy.  The water's been tested a couple of times and it's in tip-top condition for summer.  I've even braved the elements a couple of times and jumped in...and then very quickly jumped out. 
Both kids love playing by the pool (while we're watching them of course).  Bring on Summer-time!
 Fun outdoors
Yum...a cockroach ice-cream!