Sunday, May 29, 2011

Leo and the Kids

Leo, Sophie and Max hanging out together.
Sophie and Max have been playing with Leo from next door loads lately. Leo's parents (Maddy and Sione) are really great, they've taken Sophie on a few half-day trips and she spent most of yesterday tripping around Auckland with them.  This morning we returned the favour and took Leo and the kids to the park to feed the ducks and have a play all morning, and when we got home Ingrid did some baking and got the kids to help out.

Mum popped up last weekend to look after the kids which was great and Ingrid and I went out to friends  40th.  Ingrid got shitfaced. 

Sophie is really enjoying school, there's around 12 kids in her class now which is better than the 3 only, when she first started.  Ingrid and I are still not entirely sure what is happening with Soph in regards to her starting level.  The school may be regarded as one of the best primary schools around - but their communication with parents is appalling.  At this stage, Sophie is starting the year at 'year zero' which is OK, but both her mates who are only 1 day older than her, automatically got put into 'Year 1' because of their birthday's and cut off dates.  We've been told that they will assessing all new entries at some stage to determine if they go into next year as Year 1 or Year 2 - but when and how are still questions we're asking.  In saying all that, Sophie does genuinely love the place and looks forward to going everyday.

Max is growing bloody fast - he can string a stack of words together now and is VERY independent.  We had to keep him home last week for a couple of days, there's a flu going around and he got it along with gunky eyes which is a big no no at daycare.  

Anyhow, Max is due to wake up soon and then we're off on our Sunday afternoon ritual to the local pub with the kids...classy.
Max and his new PJ's
Sophie enjoying Nana and Aunty Nicky time
A very pissed Brad and Dr John (The Rock's on-air Doctor) - I took him out for his annual thank-you lunch/dinner.  Wasn't flash the next day. 
Sophie and Leo