Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bee stings & broadband

Playtime in the sandpit
What you looking at?
They both love books

Sophie got a bee sting today.

The poor little thing was playing with her dolls out by the pool when all off sudden she started screaming – I freaked out and ran towards her and then saw a bee stuck to her arm. I flicked it off and scraped the actual sting/barb that was sticking out – but Soph still had no idea why it was stinging so much. After lots of cuddles, ointment and an ice-pack, she started feeling a little better. She kept on asking though why bee’s have stings in their tails – mmm, I had no idea but I told her “bee’s have stings bubs so birds and naughty animals won’t try and eat or hurt them – because if they try, then the bee will sting them with their tail” her response: “but I’m a nice girl daddy, I wasn’t going to hurt the bee…so why would it want to sting me?

Max is talking up a storm these days and growing quicker than the Asian population in Auckland and Soph is becoming far too clever. She’s a whiz with technology and nothing for her to jump on the computer and:
• Log on
• Click on the internet icon
• Jump into favourites
• Scroll down to her 6 or 7 U-Tube clips she has saved
• Then watch them over and over and over again – or she’ll turn the TV on, swap remotes, then flick on MY SKY , scroll down to her favourite (Ariel the Mermaid is flavour of the month at the moment) , then hit play, fast forward the adds and watch that over and over. The one downside to her computer skills…she’s eaten up our monthly broadband (the one thing she doesn’t do well is log off… – so now were on shitty dial up for the next 15 days)…and she’s lost the blimin’ camera! another new passion of hers – taking a million photos. (Just as well I’ve got a camera on my phone)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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