Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hard work updating the blog

It wasn’t easy trying to update this bloody thing with 1 child – throw in one more and it seems 10 times harder!
Still, I would hate to look back at the blog in 10 years time, and kick myself for not documenting what life is like raising a 2 kids (or was like if we’re indeed reading this in 2019!)
Max growing heaps and starting to develope a real personality
Still enjoying his mat-time!
He's even starting to rip out the odd smile too
Not a great deal has changed with Max’s routines – he had a shithouse day yesterday, but today everything has fallen into place perfectly and he's been the perfect baby.
Last night I left Ingrid to fend for herself for the first time since Max’s birth…I had the grand final of our business-house cricket tournament and I was gagging to play (and to be fair, a night out of the house playing cricket with mates followed by a couple of quiet ones...seemed pretty inviting…). I would be lying if Ingrid wasn’t nervous about the prospect of tending to both kids, and having to deal with with dinnertime, baths and getting both of them off to sleep...I found out why she was nervous as soon as I arrived home around 8:30pm…poor Sophie was still wide awake and balling her eyes out upstairs and Ingrid was near tears in Max’s room trying to get the little bugger to sleep still!...mix all that in with little sleep for all three of them - and you can see why it sucked the big fat one…guess I won’t be doing that again for a few weeks!
Sophie’s personality and outlook on life has changed a little bit too over the past couple of weeks - I think we’ve both been trying to tell ourselves that she’s handled the new arrival really well – but reality is…she knows life has changed. For starters, she constantly asks for cuddles (not that we mind that of course) but every 5 minutes is a lot…and she’s becoming more defiant each day and she seems to be keeping to herself a little more too. Obviously we’re both trying hard to keep her feeling loved and trying to reassure her that things haven’t changed that much, but it’s pretty evident that she knows her perfect world of just Mummy & Daddy and Sophie has been blown to shreds. The great thing is though, Sophie doesn’t show any resentment towards Max at all and she loves to touch, kiss and stroke him every chance she gets, but unfortunately I snapped at her the other day when she got a little rough and elbowed him in the head by accident, Max screamed and Sophie looked devastated that I told her off for hurting him…stink situation...
Today has been really good though, Max has gone down nice and early, and Sophie has had a lot of exclusive 1 on 1 mummy time which has done them booth the world of good – everyone’s happy and life is pretty damn good again.

1 comment:

Dominic said...

Hello Sophie and Max, my Mum really likes reading your blog. She thinks it's such a cool thing to do and says that your folks deserve a huge pat on the back, and keep up the good work!