Monday, February 23, 2009


The little geezer finally has a name...Max.
Sophie loves the name too and finds it a lot easier to say than the others we had short-listed.
Max has been pretty good the past couple of days - he's had his moments of not wanting to sleep during the day and wanting to stay latched onto Ingrid for hours on end...but his sleeps overnight have made up for the unsettled days - last night he fed around 10:30pm and the little bugger slept until 4:30am this morning - Ingrid nearly got 6 hours of straight sleep! - if that pattern continues for a while we'll both be well stoked.
Hi - my name is Max!"
Quick trip to the mall today..Max was crashed out for aruond 3 hours...even took him up to The Rock to show him off
Sophie had quite an eventful weekend too - Saturday morning I took her along to dance class (she didn't enjoy it as much as last weekend...I think she missed having her mummy there this time) then after her afternoon sleep - we went along to Rock The Park - a free rock concert we put on annually through work. Sophie absolutely loved it there...I think it had something to do with the fact she found the bands food tent and started stealing all their chips and food... We stayed there for around 3 1/2 hours and even had time for a quick swing and slide at the park at the end of the day.
Child labour..daddy making Sophie wash the car as he looks on...
Sophie getting her groove on and dancing up a storm at Rock The Park

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