Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday Shopping & Daycare Reports

We decided to head over to St Luke’s today, we're all getting a little bored of always going to the Glenfield Mall in the weekend and we needed a change of scenery. Sophie absolutely loves going to places where there are lots of people, she smiles at everybody that passes by or looks towards her. We picked up a baby-subway for Sophie while we were there and she quite happily fed herself for 30 minutes or so while mummy and daddy had a coffee in between picking her food off the floor that she drops!
Sophie is starting to attract a bit of attention when she's out in public, she thinks it's the ideal opportunity to talk and sing and make all sorts of weird and hilarious baby noises. She’s also trying to mimic all sorts of words and sounds she hears’s very cute.

Grinning at everybody that passes by

The teachers at Day Care continue to write lovely positive things about her too, they've been saying Sophie is now interacting with the other children really well, climbing stairs, dancing and singing along to music and clapping her hands all the time. When Ingrid went to pick her up on Friday afternoon, Sophie was looking so happy playing with everybody outside, so Ingrid left her there for a another 40 minutes and popped off to grab a quick coffee…Sophie does love her outside playtime.


Another lovely Day Care report for little Sophie

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