Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Day at the Zoo & Mummy Comes Home

Sophie had another HUGE sleep overnight and woke up just after 8am this morning, I even took the baby moniter to bed with me and cranked it full throtle just incase - I had a horrible thought that maybe yesterday she woke up early and I simply slept though it.
After breakfast, Sophie was showing me her new trick of fetching the ball out of her toys and walking over to me with a big grin on her face and handing to me....she's getting pretty clever.
After her mid-morning sleep we had lunch at Subway in Ponsonby, I packed her lots of fruit, sandwiches and baby-food - I manged to scoff my lunch down in seconds and then spend the next 40 minutes feeding her...bloody lucky I brought along lots of bibs and wipes...she does like to play with her food and cover herself with most it!
After lunch we finally headed off to the Zoo!
- Sophie excited seeing the Girraffes

She spotted her favourites...The Seagulls scavenging for food outside a cafe!

More excitement when she saw the Flamingos!

The BIG Lions were out today...she squeeled at them lots!

Quick snap under the water fountain

We even saw the Tiger that came out to greet us

I asked her afterwards if she enjoyed herself at the Zoo
We also a saw, a Hippo, Elephants, Monkeys, Rhino's, Alligators, Otters, Lots of Birds, Rabbits and a HUGE Orangutang...I lifed Sophie out of her stroller to put her up to the glass to get a better look at it...and then the Oranagutang came up close and stared at us...Sophie started pointing towards it and then shouted DADDY!!!..I knew I needed a shave but didn't think I looked that bad! least Sophie gave the entire crowd watching it a good laugh...
After her exhausting day, we headed home...I mentioned mummy was coming back today and she instantly started grinning.
Sophie ended up having a MONSTER sleep this arvo, poor Ingrid got back just moments after I put her to mummy had to wait an agonizing 2 hours before she could give her big cuddles....but it was worth it when she woke up.
Mummy and Sophie happy to see each other again

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