Saturday, April 14, 2007

Settling in well

She's becoming more independent by the day
Sophie had a pretty good week at Day Care. Early in the week, she had her usual 2 sleeps during the day, but Thursday & Friday, decided, she only wanted to sleep in the morning. The care-givers write up a daily report of things she’s done throughout the day too so we can follow her progress - they are really happy with her progress and said she’s interacting with the other kids quite a lot now and a joy to have around.

Part of a report from day-care.

After offending a couple of god squadders this morning – (I opened the door to them wearing my very polite “Rock ‘n’ Roll, Mother F*cker” t-shirt) – we decided to go out for coffee and pick up some birthday presents for Sophie’s upcoming 1st birthday. (nb. I did change my shirt by the way before going out).

We stopped at a cafĂ© for lunch and tried to feed Sophie as she was getting pretty cranky...but man, it’s tough work trying to feed her now!...she is completely independent and doesn’t want anybody else trying to feed her…so after cleaning pumpkin mash off my shirt, jeans, face, shoes and other customers, we headed home.


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